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The top
[Promo] - 12" United Kingdom Fiction (+ spinning top)
Issued in 1984. Catalogue #FIXS 9. Promo gold stamp on sleeve. Some copies were issued with a promotional only spinning top. They exist in different colours.

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spinning top  
By alovetocure (20) Feb, 19 2020 12:46 AM
a proud high price ... http://www.ebay.de/itm/The-Cur...

    orbinski (57) Feb, 19 2020 2:14 AM
    One of my most wanted items, wow!
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The top (issued 1984). Promo gold stamp on sleeve. Some copies were issued with a promotional only spinning top. They exist in different colours. - Thanks to jchristophem
The top (Promo) 12"  United Kingdom Fiction (+ spinning top) Out of market 20
The spinning top  
By webmaster Mar, 5 2008 12:32 PM
This well-known gimmick was issued to promote The Top album. We believe this was sent to media along with the promotional copy of The Top, but we might be wrong. We also think it could have been sent away separatedly, or maybe even given away with the first commercial copies. Does anyone know for sure?

    sukiac (30) May, 30 2013 11:23 AM
    Bonjour ... I saw these 'toys' for sale at concerts for 'The Top Tour' ... There were various colors of the Top/Snake ... And in my memory I see the sale table and there were other items in badge with another Top like on the back cover, a bird ... ??? ... (see inner inside slv) ... and I did not buy ... What mortal regrets !!! There are nearly 30-years now ... Lille 1984.
    drsmith (15) Mar, 6 2008 9:57 AM
    hi webmaster, according to 'TheCureonrecord'by'Daren Butler' spinning top and snake were distributed as a promotion for The Top lp, the snake moves when placed next to spinning tops magnetic tip, and distributed in several colours, thanks DS
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By drsmith (15) Mar, 7 2008 8:33 AM
wow,should be upgraded to 'outofmarket' thanks 'jchristophem' for these seemingly rare ,but often talked about items,go the snake. DS
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Page thanks to jchristophem (194)

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