272321181326thecurerecords.com #3229  |  Listed in: The head on the door (1985)
The head on the door
Cassette Spain EuroGram (1987)
Issued in 1987. Catalogue #827 231-4. Reissue with bar code.

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wrong date  
By rafacure (543) Nov, 16 2021 12:11 AM
this release must be from 1988 onwards. I would say 1990 as the other black plastic spanish tapes knowing that the first EuroGram Spanish release ever was hot hot hot in 1988, is impossible that this EuroGram cassette dates from 1987
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The head on the door (issued 1987). Reissue with bar code. - Thanks to Wishcure
The head on the door Cassette  Spain EuroGram (1987) 0-100€ 5
Page thanks to Wishcure (12)

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