518445173220thecurerecords.com #4737  |  Listed in: Concert (1984)
CD Germany Polydor (black back & disc, "W.G. by PDO")
Issued in 1990. Catalogue #823 682-2. Black disc. "Made in W. Germany". Matrix says "823 682-2 02 #" and "Made in W. Germany by PDO".

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By rafacure (543) Jan, 31 2009 4:40 PM
the matrix says MADE IN GERMANY only as we can see in the cd picture and MADE IN W. GERMANY BY PDO as we can see in the inner ring picture

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    zakiaaa (316) Dec, 16 2010 7:28 PM
    I think webmaster puts it very clearly in here: http://www.thecurerecords.com/... on the question on how countries are classified.
    rafacure (543) Dec, 15 2010 4:51 PM
    I couldn't write it more clear, zakiaa. I had answered a post before from the same nickname about the same question. To classify an item we must take a look at its inner ring (the information written on it). The rest of the information pressed on the cd (the side that is not read by the cd player) don't help too much. Latest polydor releases and all of the universal releases (made in xxx by cinram, made in xxx by universal m&l and made in xxx by edc) didn't care about what was pressed on the cd and just engraved new information in the inner ring. That's the reason why we canfind new releases with biem stemra mcps or even gema written on them and that's the reason why we can't use that to classify them. I would suggest you to read my own site where i explain how to classify a cure cd from the early german releases (gema stereo on the cd and only the reference number on the inner ring) until the last universal releases (made by edc) but it is written in spanish only, sorry
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Concert (issued 1990). Black disc. "Made in W. Germany". Matrix says "823 682-2  02 #" and "Made in W. Germany by PDO". - Thanks to killthecat
Concert CD  Germany Polydor (black back & disc, "W.G. by PDO") 0-100€ 9
Page thanks to killthecat (18)

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