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The album network
[Promo only] - CD-Rx2 United States Premiere Radio Network (w/ "One more time (live)" +21)
Issued in 2003. Catalogue #03-09. 'Programme aired the week of March 1st 2003. Live broadcast of the following songs. On disc 1: Shake dog shake, A strange day, A night like this, Just like heaven, The walk, Primary, In-between days, A forest, One more time, Lullaby, Close to me, Let's go to bed, Why cant I be you?. On disc 2: 10:15 saturday night, Killing an arab, Never enough, Boys don't cry, Watching me fall, Prayers for rain, Maybe someday, If only tonight we could sleep, Bloodflowers.

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By webmaster Aug, 30 2009 7:44 AM
7119simon, sorry to say the track list you sent us was cut (we already fixed that problem a few months ago). What other The Cure songs are featured? Thanks again.

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    7119simon (23) Sep, 11 2009 8:57 AM
    hi webmaster,sorry no cuesheets,i have just emailed the radio station to see if theres any info or cuesheets they can let me have..should i here anything i,ll let you know..simon
    webmaster Sep, 5 2009 3:26 AM
    OK a The Cure record then. Thanks. I guess you've got no cue-sheet, do you. We're wondering what concert this is, featuring "One more time". Anyone any clue?
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The album network (issued 2003). 'Programme aired the week of March 1st 2003. Live broadcast of the following songs. On disc 1: Shake dog shake, A strange day, A night like this, Just like heaven, The walk, Primary, In-between days, A forest, One more time, Lullaby, Close to me, Let's go to bed, Why cant I be you?. On disc 2: 10:15 saturday night, Killing an arab, Never enough, Boys don't cry, Watching me fall, Prayers for rain, Maybe someday, If only tonight we could sleep, Bloodflowers. - Thanks to 7119simon
The album network (Promo only) CD-Rx2 Radio/TV broadcast United States Premiere Radio Network (w/ "One more time (live)" +21) 0-100€ 1
Page thanks to 7119simon (23)

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