575250913730thecurerecords.com #6942  |  Listed in: Disintegration (LP) (1989)
CD European Union Universal (remastered, Optimal Media)
Issued in 2017. Catalogue #532 456-8. Remastered. No "THE ORIGINAL ALBUM - REMASTERED" on disc. Matrix reads "AH-77678-01" and "Made in Germany by Optimal Media GmbH". On "AH-77678-01"," A" stands for CD and "H" for 2017.

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Polish edition  
By rafacure (543) May, 4 2024 1:10 AM
Hi, this is the Polish edition. The matrix doesn?t say made in germany just manufactured by optimal?

    webmaster May, 7 2024 12:37 AM
    This disc is manufactured in 2017 by Optimal Media GmbH, a German company that is owned by another German company based in Hamburg. -- An edition like this was available in Poland with Universal Music Polska front & back stickers (we have seen two different versions of the front Polish sticker). At least one of these Polish versions was manufactured by a German company called Arvato Entertainment Europe GmbH, showing "Arvato" on the matrix. The other, we cannot say until we brake the seal, which we plan to do soon.
    Pheel242 (1) May, 5 2024 4:38 AM
    Rafa, interesting. I have this same version but different matrix - have you submitted yours to the site?
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Disintegration (issued 2017). Remastered. No "THE ORIGINAL ALBUM - REMASTERED" on disc. Matrix reads "AH-77678-01" and "Made in Germany by Optimal Media GmbH". On "AH-77678-01"," A" stands for CD and "H" for 2017. - Thanks to CURarEk
Disintegration CD  European Union Universal (remastered, Optimal Media) 0-100€ 2
Page thanks to CURarEk (21)

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